Modem Mischief tells the true stories of the outlaws of cyberspace. Hackers, dark web lurkers and cybercrime perpetrators of the digital underground are explore...
Aaron Swartz wanted a free and open Internet. The government didn't and it cost Aaron his life. Created, Produced & Hosted by Keith Korneluk Written & Researched by Katie Fedigan-Linton Mixed & Mastered by David Swope Theme Song You Are Digital by Computerbandit
Colonial Pipeline Hack
The savange ransomware attack of Colonial Pipeline was close to bringing travel in the United States to a standstill. Created, Produced & Hosted by Keith Korneluk Written & Researched by John Phillips Mixed & Mastered by David Swope Theme Song You Are Digital by Computerbandit
Vladimir Levin & Hacking Citibank
St. Petersberg computer hacker Vladimir Levin allegedly hacked Citibank in the mid-1990's and stole thousands of dollars. This is his story. Created, Produced & Hosted by Keith Korneluk Written & Researched by John Phillips Mixed & Mastered by David Swope Theme Song You Are Digital by Computerbandit
Vault 7 Hack
Workplace bullying, the Nuclear Option, and why you should never write your passwords down in a notebook. This is the story of Josh Schlute and the Vault 7 Hack. Created, Produced & Hosted by Keith Korneluk Written & Researched by Katie Fedigan-Linton Mixed & Mastered by David Swope Theme Song You Are Digital by Computerbandit
Ransomware Attacks
Digital extortion. Hackers sieze your data and a ransom is paid to retrieve it. But this time, it turned deadly... Created, Produced & Hosted by Keith Korneluk Written & Researched by Lauren Minkoff Mixed & Mastered by David Swope Theme Song You Are Digital by Computerbandit
Modem Mischief tells the true stories of the outlaws of cyberspace. Hackers, dark web lurkers and cybercrime perpetrators of the digital underground are explored in this true crime series.