Welcome to Summit Church! We are one church in multiple locations in Central Florida. Listen in for new sermons every Sunday. Wherever you find yourself, you ar...
When will God's promises be fulfilled? | Life Under the Sun | Week 4
Kailey Newkirk // On a long enough timeline, all of God’s promises are fulfilled, and Jesus remains with us through every struggle. Often, we misunderstand God’s ways, expecting rewards for good deeds, but this mindset can mislead us. Ecclesiastes reminds us to trust our Creator: “Fear God and keep his commandments.”Visit Our Website summitchurchfl.org Follow Us on Social Media Facebook // InstagramWatch Online Services and More YouTube Subscribe for weekly sermon podcasts!
Living Well in a World of Uncertainty | Life Under the Sun | Week 3
Kailey Newkirk // Life’s limitations can be frustrating, but God understands pain and loss far deeper than we ever could. His empathy surpasses anything we can imagine. While we wait for eternity, we can either dwell on the wait or cherish life’s temporary gifts as glimpses of His promise.Visit Our Website summitchurchfl.org Follow Us on Social Media Facebook // InstagramWatch Online Services and More YouTube Subscribe for weekly sermon podcasts!
What are you chasing after? | Life Under the Sun | Week 2
Michael Hinton // Ever feel like life is just chasing the wind? The author of Ecclesiastes did, too, saying, ‘Everything is meaningless.’ It’s a sentiment we can all relate to at times. We often think our pursuits will make us happier or somehow solve our discontent. True fulfillment, though, comes from God and investing in the eternal.Visit Our Website summitchurchfl.org Follow Us on Social Media Facebook // InstagramWatch Online Services and More YouTube Subscribe for weekly sermon podcasts!
Beyond the Brokenness | Life Under the Sun | Week 1
Kailey Newkirk // The Book of Ecclesiastes addresses two key questions: What should we expect from God’s world? And how should we live in it? These questions become more complex in light of sin, which has left the world we experience broken. However, as Ecclesiastes shows us, unpredictable and challenging circumstances are not proof that God is unjust or that we’ve done something wrong. Sometimes, we simply need to see the bigger picture.Visit Our Website summitchurchfl.org Follow Us on Social Media Facebook // InstagramWatch Online Services and More YouTube Subscribe for weekly sermon podcasts!
Africa Sunday
John Parker // Jesus had every reason to stay focused on his mission, yet throughout the gospels, we see him constantly pausing to serve those in need. He healed not because it was his job, but because it was who he was—and Jesus calls us to let our compassion lead to action, too.Visit Our Website summitchurchfl.org Follow Us on Social Media Facebook // InstagramWatch Online Services and More YouTube Subscribe for weekly sermon podcasts!
Welcome to Summit Church! We are one church in multiple locations in Central Florida. Listen in for new sermons every Sunday. Wherever you find yourself, you are welcome here.