Ericka Bozeman explores the depths of female killers, revealing their past traumas, their psychological evolution post arrest and how the shadows of their exper...
Desperate Mistress Holds Boyfriend Hostage While She Murders His Entire Family (Cai Xia Liao)
When Chinese businesswoman Cai Liao realized that her lover, Giangwa “Brian” Mach, wasn’t willing to leave his wife after a three year relationship, she turned the tables by going on a killing spree in attempt to punish him. They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned – and in this case, they are absolutely right.
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SINISTER: Operator, I Love You (Jennifer Reali)
When Jennifer Reali meets Brian Hood, there's an instant romantic connection. But there's one problem... they're both married. So when his charm and deeply religious nature intrigues her, she overlooks his darker red flags, until their love affair becomes a fatal attraction and leads to murder.
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Fame OBSESSED Mom Convinces Daughter to Help Murder Boyfriend So They Can Party More
New episodes of SINISTER return next week! Today we’re going back to one of our early Sinister stories from YouTube.
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SINISTER: Give Me The F* Money (DeeDee Moore)
When Abraham Shakespeare wins the lotto in 2006, he thinks he’s set for life. Until he meets
Dorice “DeeDee” Moore, a woman set on befriending him in order to ransack his millions. But
when he won’t allow her to completely milk him dry, DeeDee puts in a plan of action that ends in
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SINISTER: Cyber Bully 2000 (Tracey Richter)
On the outside, Tracey Ann Richter was not only brilliant, she was beautiful. But inside – something was questionable about her character. Her marriages were turbulent, and often violent. And when she started to go through a contentious custody case with ex-husband, John Pittman, it wasn’t long before her anger over their problems would drive her to murder, and also... pin it on her husband.
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Ericka Bozeman explores the depths of female killers, revealing their past traumas, their psychological evolution post arrest and how the shadows of their experiences propelled them towards a violent path. SINISTER casts a thought-provoking light on the intersection of crime, gender, and the human condition, asking viewers to take a look at themselves and those around them. Are they on the path of being Sinister?