Questions Covered:
02:15 – How can I respond to my Orthodox friends who struggle with depicting God the Father in Catholic artwork?
12:00 – How can I respond to questions that Mary Magdalene was an apostle and even wrote a book of the Bible?
19:50 – How does your Catholic faith help during holidays or moments of loneliness during the year?
28:45 – Can you explain why Jesus in the New Testament said things directly when teaching to fulfill the scripture of the Old Testament?
43:06 – I live with a brother who claims to be Pro-life, but doesn’t fully agree with teachings on contraceptives. How can I best explain this to him?
48:51 – Is it okay for a non-Catholic to use Holy Water or have a bottle at home?
50:04 – Is it true that the Pope is infallible when canonizing Saints?
#12019 AMA - Jimmy Akin
Questions Covered:
06:31 – How should Daniel’s final vision be interpreted in the book of Daniel?
13:24 – Is it okay to wait for someone to ask for forgiveness before giving it?
18:06 – What is grace?
28:53 – I read from St. Bernard that Christ has three natures instead of two. Does this align with Catholic teaching?
33:37 – Can horror books and movies be considered demonic?
51:30 – How can I respond to my Orthodox friends who struggle with depicting God the Father in Catholic artwork?
#12018 AMA: Mortal Sin Struggles, Tertullian on the Eucharist, and Mary’s Marriage - Tim Staples
Questions Covered:
03:30 – How do I respond to the claim that 1 John 2:18-21 proves that if the faithful leave Christianity, they were never a part of the faith in the first place?
17:10 – Why is there not a list of dogmas?
29:23 – I’ve committed the same mortal sin so much that my confessor questioned my sincerity. Now I just received a blessing. What should I do?
42:40 – Tertullian mentions the word ‘symbol’ when discussing the Eucharist. What would be the Catholic response to this?
51:25 – Regarding your Mary book. Mary and Joseph couldn’t have been religiously married because it would have had to be consummate. What are your thoughts on this?
#12017 Tips for Defending the Faith - Trent Horn
Questions Covered:
08:20 – Why can’t a non-Catholic receive communion in a Catholic church?
16:21 – My husband is Muslim but can get around the idea of Jesus as God. How do I explain it to him?
24:55 – I’m on my way to becoming Catholic. How can I better defend a faith that I’m not yet a part of?
31:39 – How can I bring up the topic of Religion/ Catholicism to my friends?
33:57 – How does a Catholic respond to antisemitism?
48:18 – Can you give a general defense of the faith against Mormonism?
#12016 Why Aren’t You Catholic? - Joe Heschmeyer
Questions covered:
04:37 – How should I talk with my non-Catholic friends and family as I think about converting myself?
14:28 – The Eucharist seems like magic to me.
21:05 – Some people I know are not Catholic because of the very existence of Satan and the fact that God allowed man to fall.
35:40 – I am a Protestant becoming Catholic, but I do not know how to rebut Sola Fide arguments.
45:02 – I get hung up on intercessory prayers and praying to the saints in general
51:20 – I am Catholic, but I disagree with a lot of orthodox teachings.