The pursuit of justice can be impacted by the smallest detail. “American Justice” from A&E explores recent compelling criminal cases, from those that made nati...
When a young couple is murdered while vacationing in Ocean City, Maryland, investigators soon learn that another young married couple by the name of Benjamin and Erika Sifrit are involved...
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Murder On The Boardwalk
Details the thrill kills by Kosta Fotopoulos and Diedre Hunt, extramarital lovers, in 1989 Daytona, FL, while videotaping the crime. Includes offenses of blackmail, counterfeiting, and solicitation for murder of his wife.
A Deadly Dose
After a night of partying with a friend, 42 year old Brian Eftenoff of Phoenix, AZ comes home to find his 30 year old wife Judi unconscious and near death. She dies minutes later despite efforts to revive her. After an investigation police make Brian their prime suspect, believing that he forced his wife to take a lethal dose of cocaine. American Justice takes and in-depth look at the case, including a telephone interview with Eftenoff from prison.
American Justice examines famous kidnapping cases. First, the 1984 abduction of world-class bi-athlete and Olympic hopeful Kari Swenson. Then the 1992 kidnapping of Exxon International executive Sidney Reso by Arthur and Irene Seale. And finally, the 1985 parental abduction of Paula and Jojo Palencia by their mother Susan.
The pursuit of justice can be impacted by the smallest detail. “American Justice” from A&E explores recent compelling criminal cases, from those that made national headlines to gripping lesser-known cases, through the prism of our justice system. Driven by first-hand perspectives of loved ones, survivors, investigators, prosecutors, defense attorneys, jurors, and sometimes even the perpetrators, the series dives into significant crimes that reveal how our justice system works, and, sometimes, how it doesn’t. One of the original true crime documentary series, “American Justice” originally aired for 13 years on A&E.