A sexy reality TV show with a missing contestant. An undercover detective. Two cats safe at home. Murder on Sex Island is a twisty psycho-sexual thriller with e...
Jo Firestone reads the final chapters of Murder on Sex Island. Chapter 41 begins at 0:57. Chapter 42 begins at 23:19. Chapter 43 begins at 31:56. Chapter 44 begins at 36:31. The Epilogue begins at 44:36.Thank you for listening. You can now purchase the book as if it’s some kind of collectible. Like a Fabergé Egg or a troll doll.
Chapters 39-40
Jo Firestone reads Chapters 39 and 40 of Murder on Sex Island. Chapter 39 starts at 0:53 and Chapter 40 starts at 11:45.
Chapters 35-38
Jo Firestone reads Chapters 35-38 of Murder on Sex Island. Chapter 35 starts at 1:05, Chapter 35A starts at 8:23, Chapter 36 starts at 11:20, Chapter 37 starts at 19:24, and Chapter 38 starts at 26:03. You can now buy the paperback wherever books are sold!
Chapters 32-34
Jo Firestone reads Chapters 32-34 of Murder on Sex Island. Chapter 32 starts at 1:00, Chapter 33 starts at 11:34, and Chapter 34 starts at 20:56.You can now order a copy of the book from your local bookstore, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.
Chapters 28-31
Jo Firestone reads Chapters 28-31 of Murder on Sex Island. Chapter 28 starts at 1:01, Chapter 29 starts at 7:52, Chapter 30 starts at 12:12, and Chapter 31 starts at 19:28. You can now order the book from Amazon, The Mysterious Bookshop, or your local bookstore!
A sexy reality TV show with a missing contestant. An undercover detective. Two cats safe at home. Murder on Sex Island is a twisty psycho-sexual thriller with equal parts humor and intrigue. Private Detective Luella van Horn's been through a lot, but this time, she might not make it out alive.New chapters every week, narrated by the author, Jo Firestone. Need to find out who did it sooner? You can order your copy of Murder on Sex Island from Amazon or your local bookstore today. This audio book is produced by Bari Finkel, and edited by Bari Finkel and Gabrielle Lewis.
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